by Hannah Beach | Jan 25, 2022 | Attachment, Building Relationship, Connection, Emotional Safety
Kids clinging to our legs. Incessant questions and interruptions. Constant over-the-top silly, disruptive or challenging behaviour. Needy. Needy. Needy. Attention-seeking is just what it sounds like: seeking attention. What we often forget is that we seek attention to...
by Hannah Beach | Sep 3, 2021 | Attachment, Building Relationship, Connection, Emotional Health, Emotional Release, Emotional Safety, Teaching
stress Backpacks are filled. New runners are bought. And lunch kits are once again on the counter. There is always a familiar feeling in the air as children head back to school. Nerves. Dread. Hope. Excitement. Worry. Who will my teacher be? Will I be in the same...
by Hannah Beach | Apr 29, 2021 | Attachment, Building Relationship, Caring, Connection, Emotional Safety, Feelings, Teaching
Emotional safety is foundational to learning and growth. It is the container that holds the space that allows children to feel, to be curious, to care, and to emerge as their unique selves. It can be hard to grasp what this looks and feels like in practical terms. It...
by Hannah Beach | Sep 24, 2020 | Arts, Attachment, Building Relationship, Community Building, Connection, Emotional Health, Nature, Play
The above is a picture of my dining room table. This table is the anchor for my family. In an era of disconnection, with busy lives and so many devices that can pull us away from one another into our individual worlds, the dining room table can serve as an anchor for...
by Hannah Beach | Aug 27, 2020 | Attachment, Building Relationship, Connection, Emotional Health, Emotional Release, Emotional Safety, Teaching
As schools begin welcoming students back to classrooms, their teachers will be tasked with not only getting them back on-track academically—but also helping them manage the psychological impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. And that emotional support must take...
by Hannah Beach | Jun 25, 2020 | Arts, Attachment, Building Relationship, Community Building, Connection, Expression, Feelings, Inclusion, Nature, Play
Sid Bobb – Co-Director of Aanmitaagzi, Photo By: Bettina Vollmerhausen This month I wanted to take the time to celebrate and share the heart and mind transformations that my students and I received from working with Aanmitaagzi at Big Medicine Studio on the...