
Holy Family Roman Catholic Separate School Division





Jan 31 2024


All Day

Navigating Change Amid Challenging Behaviors in Teaching, Leading, and Caring for Kids.

Open to educators and staff at the Holy Family Roman Catholic Separate School Division. By invitation only.

Navigating Change Amid Challenging Behaviors in Teaching, Leading, and Caring for Kids.

What can I do?!!! Children and youth are more anxious, aggressive, and shut down than ever. As educators we often feel at a loss for what to do as our students’ challenging behaviours can get in the way of our attempts to build relationships and teach. Our culture is no longer taking care of children’s emotional health and we are seeing clear signs of it in our classrooms. Simply put, our classrooms are different these days. It may feel impossible to fix – but change is possible. When we understand what is happening under the surface, it can help us to not only see what our students need, but it can also help us to take things less personally.

Join Hannah for a warm conversation as to how we can lean into the relational developmental approach to create lasting change. Explore practical strategies that can help you navigate and support the big feelings and emotions that arise in our classrooms. And discover how to plan your day and lessons to provide a sense of rhythm and flow that can help create the conditions for healthy behaviour, learning, connection and community to grow in your classroom.

This session covers:

  • Acknowledge classrooms are different these days
  • Empower staff – don’t take behaviour personally
  • Teaching staff that it is ok for students to have big feelings and emotions -it’s how we respond to it that matters
  • Planning – how planning your lessons and day effects management in your classroom – you have to be prepared

The event is finished.

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