Not Safe to Feel


Hannah Beach


School District #79
Cowichan Valley


Oct 23 2020



Private Workshop: Not Safe to Feel: Unpacking the Role of Emotion and Defense

This is a private event being held for School District #79. Cowichan Valley
This Session:
Not safe to feel: unpacking the role of emotion and defense

Our schools often frame behavioural problems as disciplinary issues that must be “fixed,” rather than understanding them as an indication that a child has an emotional need that needs to be filled. As humans, we are emotional beings … but what is the purpose of emotion? And what happens when we lose access to our feelings? As educators, when we understand the link between emotion and behaviour, we can better respond. This session sets the stage for unpacking the common challenges we experience with children.

Individual workshop: $20 each (plus tax) 

The event is finished.

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