Better world videos

So much is possible when we bring feeling into the classroom.

Change doesn’t begin with knowing.
It begins with feeling.

All videos below were created by my former students, on topics that mattered most to them. They are raw, authentic and REAL – and that is the point. They are not MY work, nor are they rooted in my ideas. My job was to create a safe space in which kids could share, discuss, and fall into their creativity without worrying about perfection.

These videos demonstrate what is possible when we offer kids a safe space to feel, share their ideas and thoughts, and come together to create in ways that are meaningful to them.

Each of Us Has a Story: This poignant re-telling of one girl’s traumatic experience as a young child and her journey to Canada is an example of the power of telling one’s personal story.

I Am: Created by a former student, Jessie Huggett, and her friends. This piece shares Jessie’s personal reflections on having Down syndrome and the importance of not being seen by others as a one-dimensional person. It is a moving and courageous piece, completely written and directed by Jessie.

I Am: Created by a former student, Jessie Huggett, and her friends. This piece shares Jessie’s personal reflections on having Down syndrome and the importance of not being seen by others as a one-dimensional person. It is a moving and courageous piece, completely written and directed by Jessie.

Inner Beauty: This theatre piece was created by students to demonstrate how they often feel stereotyped. It sheds light on the importance of seeing beyond labels.

We are Children: This piece is a reflection on the UN Charter of Children’s Rights. It was written and voiced over by a former student, Jasmine Michel.

We are Children: This piece is a reflection on the UN Charter of Children’s Rights. It was written and voiced over by a former student, Jasmine Michel.

Authenticity: This piece dives into the topic of being true to yourself in the face of peer pressure. The video explores a topic about which many of the youth I have worked with over the years have felt very strongly.

The Environment: This collective creation about the interconnectedness of the natural world shares what the creators behind the video think the Earth would say to humanity if it could send us a message.

The Environment: This collective creation about the interconnectedness of the natural world shares what the creators behind the video think the Earth would say to humanity if it could send us a message.

Looking for ideas to bring to your own learning community? Sign up for my blog – where I offer relationship-based strategies for furthering the emotional growth of children and share hands-on activities that you can use to create change in your classroom.

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